Thursday, January 6, 2011

Don't Under Estimate Yourself!

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to 2011.

This is the best corporate speech I've heard in a long time. At the first ever TED Women Conference, Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, shares important tips for women in exercising leadership skills in the workplace: 1) Sit at the table. Negotiate for yourself. Women systematically underestimate their abilities. Take advantage of the opportunities that are available; 2) Make your partner a REAL partner. Ask for the help you need at home; 3) Don't leave before you leave. Even if you are planning to have children "someday" don't make premature plans to leave your career before it's necessary.

Awesome information! Thanks, Sheryl. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We've hit an all new low in American television

A new reality television show called Bridalplasty is scheduled to begin this month. As you finish your Thanksgiving dinner of turkey and cranberry sauce, you can tune in to see women compete for their wish list of plastic surgeries just before they say "I do."

What an incredibly sad comment on our society that women would subject themselves to this ridiculous level of scrutiny and men would condone it. Plastic surgery comes with all kinds of risk factors. For the men, if you really love someone and want to spend the rest of your life with them, do you want them engaging in multiple voluntary procedures that could potentially kill them? And, for the ladies, aren't you supposed to feel so good when you're with this person that you wouldn't change a thing?

Any couple that signs up for this insane show needs serious counseling, not a plastic surgery competition.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Great Campaign to Ban “Fat Talk”

An excellent start at changing beliefs about body image! It's time we shift our focus and our perspective.

Do I Look Fat? Don't Ask. A Campaign to Ban “Fat Talk”

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good news from the United Nations......

Women's issues are being made a priority. When the world helps women, women help the world.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Quote of the month: Tuli Kupferberg

When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.

-Tuli Kupferberg